Kayla Riemensperger on Odyssey Kayla Riemensperger
Kayla Riemensperger

Kayla Riemensperger

Username: kriemensperger_2019depauw-_-edu

Joined in August 2017

  • About

    Ever since high school, I fell in love with English. There's just something so pure and magical about words and how they can make people feel. I've always been inspired by authors such a Shell Silverstein and Walt Whitman because they aren't afraid to put anything to ink on the page. In my own writing, I want to create pieces that force people to stop and think about themselves and the world that we currently live in, as well as appreciate what they have in life. Language is such a powerful force that we posses as humans and I want to use that to inspire others. It also wouldn't hurt to add in a few laughs here and there, keep things light.

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