It must be the strangest thing in the world for a writer, to write a word or two about him/herself. Hello, let me be as weird as I have survived while I tell you I write poems, stories, journals in life. I am an overtly sentimental human, an inevitable maze of contradictions and an extreme non-conformist. In very plain words, I just eat. breathe. read. write and roam like a wreckage always with a hope of being reborn into anything that I am not, today. To be useful, I do many things like teaching, colouring, cooking, travelling, meditating, content curating, conducting various workshops and not to be useful, I often search for oblivion, a hermit to be free of the world, as much as possible in a lifetime. I love trees, flowers, mountains, landscapes, rainfall and the seas, oceans and lakes more than human existence on this blooming earth. With all sanity intact, I also believe that I am a child of the sea and an extended soul of Sylvia Plath. If I have not already overdone my own introduction, I would wish for you to know that I am always willing to live a free and peaceful life with all my soul, trying to reduce my paradoxes to simplicity.