The 14 Hottest Hockey Players In The NHL
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The 14 Hottest Hockey Players In The NHL

They're so hot they can melt the ice.

The 14 Hottest Hockey Players In The NHL

I spent over three hours vigorously examining every single roster in the NHL, picking out the players that caught my eye. After much deliberation (and seeking the opinion of one of my best friends who's the biggest female hockey fan I know), I've narrowed the search down to fourteen sizzling hot hockey players.

SEE MORE: NHL Coming Back For Playoffs

1. Miles Wood

Miles is my personal favorite. I had the honor of seeing this babe with my very own eyes when I watched the New Jersey Devil's play against the Pittsburgh Penguins at the Prudential Center. Security had to hold me back because I wanted to hug him.

2. Sidney Crosby

Everybody knows Sidney; the NHL currently lists him as one of the 100 greatest players. He's #87 on the ice, but #1 in most girl's hearts.

3. Tom Wilson

Currently playing for the Washington Capitals, Tom's an absolute hottie; he's four inches over six feet and is sure to make you drool.

4. Alexander Wennberg

This blonde babe was drafted in 2013 by the Columbus Blue Jackets. Even though he hasn't won any Stanley Cups yet, I have faith in this Swedish cutie.

5. Jonathan Ericcson

Jonathan plays for the Detroit Red Wings and is yet another Swedish dreamboat!

6. Henrik Lundqvist

Even though this New York Ranger was drafted almost twenty years ago, he's a big deal; he won the Vezina Trophy during the 2011-2012 season as well as a gold medal in 2006 at the Torino Olympics.

7. Roman Josi

Oh, baby! Roman caught the attention of Switzerland's top division in 2007 when he was just seventeen years old.

8. Brian Dumoulin

This hot Penguin is a legend: he helped win his team the Stanley Cup TWO YEARS IN A ROW!

9. Michal Kempny

This beaut and his team won the Stanley Cup not too long ago. That's hot.

10. Ian McCoshen

Ian's a defenseman, but there's no way he can defend himself against you catching feelings.

11. Ryan Murray

This guy's been stealing hearts since he was drafted by the Columbus Blue Jackets in 2012.

12. Nick Schmaltz

I bet he was quite the ladies man from when he played college hockey.

13. Tyler Bozak

This Canadian is 200 pounds of sexy; you're definitely falling in love already.

14. Aaron Ekblad


Not only is he handsome, but he also won the 2015 Calder Trophy as the top rookie in the NHL. What more can a girl ask for? (This one's for you, Julia!)

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